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El exceso de humedad representa un riesgo considerable para nuestras residencias, potencialmente resultando en daños sustanciales. Por lo tanto, comprender las diversas formas de humedad es vital para implementar intervenciones apropiadas. Cada tipo requiere soluciones personalizadas para obtener los mejores resultados. De lo contrario, los esfuerzos se vuelven laboriosos e ineficaces, lo que resulta en daños repetidos poco después del tratamiento.

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Causas de la humedad

Las causas de la presencia de humedad en los hogares se atribuyen al agua en paredes, suelos y techos, e incluyen:

Infiltración de agua subterránea.

Proximidad al mar, ríos o lagos.

Afectación de corrientes subterráneas en viviendas con pendientes.

Zonas contiguas a jardines o huertos con riego intensivo.

Altos niveles de humedad ambiental procedentes de fuentes externas.

Extracción inadecuada del vapor de agua en interiores.

Consecuencias de la humedad

Las consecuencias de tener humedad en el hogar son consistentemente graves, ya que pueden resultar en problemas de salud significativos, comprometer la integridad del hogar e impactar las finanzas familiares.

Los riesgos principales asociados con la humedad en el hogar incluyen:

  • Degradación gradual de paredes, suelos y techos, que potencialmente pueden conducir a su destrucción eventual.

  • Mayor percepción de frialdad y gastos de calefacción más altos debido a la humedad.

  • Humedad oculta, incluso debajo de paneles de madera o placas de yeso, puede fomentar el crecimiento de moho en las paredes, lo que representa riesgos para la salud como asma, alergias y reumatismo.

  • Degradación del cableado eléctrico y electrodomésticos del hogar, lo que conlleva mayores requisitos de mantenimiento.

  • La humedad ascendente en las paredes puede dañar pinturas y yesos, lo que requiere una restauración frecuente.

  • Una residencia afectada por la humedad se deprecia en valor y se vuelve difícil de alquilar o vender.

Donde podemos encontrar la humedad

To help you identify the common signs of rising damp, we have identified some of the areas where it is more frequently a problem. If any of these symptoms are familiar to you, you may be dealing with a rising damp issue.

Humedad ascendente

Humedad en las paredes

La presencia de humedad atrapada dentro de las paredes es un problema común en muchos hogares, lo que resulta en daños visibles como pintura descascarada, manchas, acumulación de salitre y crecimiento de moho. Más allá de los problemas estéticos, esta humedad también representa riesgos para la salud, afectando adversamente al bienestar de las personas.

Humedad en suelos

La acumulación de humedad en los pisos representa un problema frecuente en ciertos hogares, sin embargo, identificarlo puede resultar desafiante debido a la variedad de materiales de piso utilizados. En espacios a nivel del suelo, los restos de agua entre las baldosas y la humedad que se filtra desde los cimientos de concreto pueden ocasionar problemas como manchas pálidas y desprendimiento de la superficie, a pesar de la aplicación de selladores impermeables.


Moisture in storage rooms, garages and basements


Moisture often accumulates in garages, storage rooms and basements, due to factors like a lack of climate control in these unoccupied spaces or their position below ground. The combination of elevated moisture levels and more extreme temperatures or changes in temperature can foster the growth of bacteria, insects and mould. Moisture may leak in from cracks in walls or the joints between different materials, and leaks from drains or water pipes are a common risk in these spaces.


A big aspect of this problem is that signs of rising damp are harder to detect in spaces that are rarely occupied, or where the walls are covered or piled up with boxes and other items. Unfortunately, there is a risk from rising damp even if waterproof seals or a damp proof course have been put into place. If not addressed, the issue can cause any items stored in these spaces to deteriorate and, if the area is used frequently, may lead to health problems like allergies, asthma, bronchitis and rheumatism.

What happens if you don't treat rising damp effectively?

Choosing the right rising damp treatment is vital because not every approach will address the problem at its source. Some types of rising damp treatment - such as damp proof courses - can be very elaborate and time-consuming to install, take a long time to work, and may still prove ineffective. If this proves to be the case and your rising damp problem is not treated effectively, there can be serious consequences.


  • Damaged paint, wallpaper or plaster

  • Structural degradation of walls, floors and ceilings

  • Mould growth, including in hidden areas behind plasterboard or under floors

  • Colder temperatures, which can lead to higher heating costs

  • Problems with electrical wiring and household appliances

  • Challenges in selling or leasing the property, or a reduction in its value


If you are concerned about these ongoing problems, learn more about the HS-221 system from Moisture Stop. This revolutionary approach to treating rising damp uses low-frequency waves to push water molecules back down into the ground, and fixes the issue at its source. The HS-221 can dry out internal walls in as little as three months, and is more cost-effective than a new damp proof course or waterproof injections.


Visit our HS-221 page to learn more, or get in touch with our team for help in finding the best solution.

What if the problem is not caused by rising damp?

Rising damp occurs when water from underground sources travels upwards through tiny channels inside construction materials. It is caused by the capillary action of the water, which means it is most apparent at ground level. Generally, signs of rising damp will be seen less frequently in higher parts of the building. It may extract the salt from building materials and, when the water evaporates, leave behind white salt deposits on internal or external walls.


However, this is not the only type of excess moisture that can lead to problems. Similar symptoms may be caused by condensation or other moisture ingress.


Condensation arises when warm, moist air interacts with cold surfaces. The sudden cooling that then occurs causes the moisture in the air to condense and form into droplets of water. You will likely see this frequently in areas of your home where there is high humidity or frequent changes in temperature, such as utility rooms and bathrooms. Condensation can form on walls and cause similar problems to rising damp, but it can usually be resolved more simply. For example, opening the window of a warm room can level out the temperature or allow moisture to escape before it can settle.


If you have persistent problems with condensation, Moisture Stop UK's HS-221 technology can help. By disrupting the capillary action of water molecules, it can prevent them from rising or settling on internal walls and protect them from the damage caused by damp.

Moisture by filtration

​Filtration moisture often happens due to cracks in seals or waterproofing. Any such fissures or openings in joints, walls, floors, ceilings or pipes can lead water to penetrate into these surfaces and rise. Moisture Stop UK's HS-221 system disrupts the capillary action of any water molecules that enter via this route and forces them downwards, towards groundwater sources. This effectively resolves the problem and its symptoms in the same way that the system treats rising damp.

Get In Touch Today! 

To learn more about Moisture Stop’s revolutionary rising damp solution, or to buy your device and start treating the problem, contact us today!

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